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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Distance Healing Science Experiments

I John 5:8 totally fascinates me. The verse previous reads, "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." Following that it reads: "And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one." That tells me that Spirit, water and blood all record information and therefore have a ‘voice’ to bear witness. It seems to me that the Lord is teaching us here that water, blood and Spirit record and keep data that can also be sent out as information.

Remember the blood above the door mantles at Passover? I John 5:8 has astounding ramifications in light of what scientists and physicists have learned about water, blood and subtle Energy or what some call Spirit. Scientists have demonstrated that water, blood and our energy systems (intelligence/spirit) each record information. The information copying function of water is evidenced in homeopathy. It is also evidenced in the findings of Dr. Masaru Emoto whose experiments show that water records information! He is an internationally renowned researcher who claims there is an intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter and that words influence those vibrations. His experiments of photographing frozen water crystals show that water is affected by words and connected to our consciousness. (see or The Hidden Messages in Water or The True Power of Water)

It is obvious to us today that DNA records information. Anecdotal evidence regarding blood's capability to do that is found in cases of blood transfusions, during which recipients have seen images of places they’ve never been and memories which are not their own. There are also books about transplant recipients who suddenly find themselves craving different food and activities... only to find upon investigation that their new tastes match the donor's habits and cravings.  In the scriptures the Lord asked the murderer Cain, "What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground." (Genesis 4:10 emphasis added; see also Rev 6:10; 2 Nephi 28:10;Alma 14:11; Mormon 8:27;Ether 8:22; D&C 87:7; D&C 109:49, D&C 135:7 ) "They have shed innocent blood which crieth from the ground."(D&C 136:36) I believe these verses are speaking (okay, that pun was intended) more than just figuratively.

The verse in First John supports experiments by Dr. C. Norman Shealy in addition to the studies Gregg Braden and Larry Dossey write of concerning energetically affecting non-localized events. What that means in everyday language is that distant energy healing is possible. The Bible has examples of this done by the Savior as well as mere mortals.

A post on Dec 15, 2004 by guest "Dr. G" on the Global Healing Center website tells of 3 different astonishing experiments done on DNA. Dr. G's message is titled "DNA Activation for Healing" and says:

"In his recent program entitled Healing Hearts/Healing Nations: The Science of Peace and the Power of Prayer, Gregg Braden discussed how in the past we lost huge amounts of information from ancient spiritual traditions (when the library at Alexandria burned we lost at least 532,000 documents), and that there may be information in those traditions which could help us understand some of the mysteries of science. To this end he reported on three very interesting experiments. Gregg Braden started off as a scientist and engineer, before he began pursuing these larger questions. "

"EXPERIMENT #1 The first experiment he reported was done by Dr.Vladimir Poponin, a quantumbiologist. In this experiment, first a container was emptied (ie a vacuum was created within it), and then the only thing left in it were photons (particles of light). They measured the distribution (ie the location) of the photons and found they were completely random inside the container. This was the expected result. Then some DNA was placed inside the container and the distribution (location) of the photons was remeasured. This time the photons were LINED UP in an ORDERED way and aligned with the DNA. In other words, the physical DNA had an effect on the non-physical photons. After that, the DNA was removed from the container, and the distribution of the photons was remeasured again. The photons REMAINED ORDERED and lined up where the DNA had been. What are the light particles connected to? Gregg Braden says we are forced to accept the possibility that some NEW field of energy, a web of energy, is there and the DNA is communicating with the photons through this energy.

"EXPERIMENT #2 These were experiments done by the military. Leukocytes (white blood cells) were collected for DNA from donors and placed into chambers so they could be measure electrical changes. In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to "emotional stimulation" consisting of videoclips, which generated different emotions in the donor. The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electricalresponses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME. There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in time. The military wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles and STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; no transmission time. The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time. What can this mean? Gregg Braden says it means that living cells communicate through a previously unrecognized form of energy. This energy is not affected by time and distance. This is a non-local form of energy, an energy that already exists everywhere, all the time.

"EXPERIMENT #3 The third experiment was done by the Institute of Heart Math and the paper that was written about this was titled: Local and Non local Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on Conformational Changes of DNA. (Disregard the title! The info is incredible.) This is the experiment that relates directly to the anthrax situation. In this experiment, some human placenta DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in a container from which they could measure changes in the DNA. Twenty-eight vials of DNA were given (one each) to 28 trained researchers. Each researcher had been trained how to generate and FEEL feelings, and they each had strong emotions. What was discovered was that the DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE according to the feelings of the researchers: 1. Whenthe researchers FELT gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded by RELAXING and the strands unwound. The length of the DNA became longer. 2. When theresearchers FELT anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA responded by TIGHTENING UP. It became shorter and SWITCHED OFF many of our DNA codes! If you've ever felt "shut down" by negative emotions, now you know why your body was equally shut down, too. The shut down of the DNA codes was reversed and the codes were switched back on again when feelings of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation were felt by the researchers. This experiment was later followed up by testing HIV positive patients. They discovered that feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE theyhad without those feelings.

"So here's the answer to what can help you stay well, no matter what dreadful virus or bacteria may be floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude and appreciation! These emotional changes went beyond the effects of electro-magnetics. Individuals trained in deep love were able to change the shape of their DNA. Gregg Braden says this illustrates anew recognized form of energy that connects all of creation. This energy appears to be a TIGHTLY WOVEN WEB that connects all matter. Essentially we're able to influence this web of creation through our VIBRATION." (taken from )

The second experiment spoken about above is also mentioned  in a wonderful book by pastor Joel Osteen. He says, "I read of an interesting study done in 1993 by the United States military. They were curious about what traits get passed down from one generation to the next. We know that physical traits do. What about emotional, mental, and spiritual characteristics? What about bad attitudes and additions? Or what about good qualities such as integrity, compassion, and godliness? Can they be passed down as well?

"The researchers extracted some white blood cells from a volunteer and they carefully placed them in a test tube. They then put a probe from a lie detector machine down in that test tube, to measure the person's emotional response.

"Next, they instructed this same volunteer to go a couple of doors down and watch some violent scenes from an old war movie on television. When this man watched the scenes, even though the blood that was being tested was in another room, when he got all uptight and tense, that lie detector test shot off the page. It was detecting his emotional response even though the blood was no longer in his body.

"The experimenters did this with person after person with the same results. They concluded that the blood cells seem to "remember" where they came from. Now, if sicknesses and addictions and wrong mind-sets can be passed down, how much more can God's blessings, favor and good habits be passed down through our blood? As important as it may be to understand the generational curse, it is vital that we understand the generational blessings we can obtain." (Joel Osteen, Become a Better You p 60-61)

I can't help but think of the verses in D&C 88:11-13 when I read the above experiements. "And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; Which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space- the light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things." That is a most amazing scripture! The light from God sharpens our understanding of everything. This same light fills our vast galaxy and universe and all of space. This light is IN all matter and gives life to all creation. This light is the very law by which all matter- visible and invisible- is governed. This light is the answer Gregg Braden and world renowned scientists are still searching for! The answers ARE in the scriptures!

In light of the understanding that all creation is connected energetically, it should not come as such a shock that energy therapists are able to work with clients over the phone and EFFECT CHANGES. Although there is a distance between the facilitator and the client's physical selves, there is no distance between their energy bodies because it is a unified field. At first, it took awhile to wrap my brain around that concept. We are individual souls, yet we are all connected energetically.

As I mentioned, there are examples of distant healing in the Bible by the Savior as well as distant healing by mere mortals. Paul is an example in the New Testament and Elisha an example from the Old Testament. Modern day apostle Parley P. Pratt wrote, " As the electric fluid obeys its own laws upon the wire, so also does the spiritual or holy fluid convey itself, through certain channels, from one body to another, in accordance with certain legitimate laws. . . . A person commissioned of Jesus Christ and filled with this spiritual substance, can impart of the same to another, provided there is a preparation of heart and faith on the part of the receiver. Or if, as in cases of healing, casting out devils, etc., it happens that the receiver has no command of his own mind, as in cases of little children, persons swooned, fainted, deranged or dead, then the faith of the administrator alone, or in connection with other friends and agents, in his behalf, is sufficient in many cases to perform the work. However, the touch or laying on of hands, is not the only means of communicating the gift of healing. A word spoken, a mandate issued, or even a handkerchief, apron, or other garment, worn or touched by a person full of this Spirit, and conveyed to another, has, according to sacred history, and also the experience of the present age, proved sufficient to communicate the spiritual fluid between minds of strong and mutual faith. So well acquainted was the Prophet Elisha with this principle, that he sent his servant to lay his staff upon a dead child, in order to raise it from the dead; but in this instance, the undertaking failed. The prophet could only resuscitate the child by placing face on face, eye to eye, mouth to mouth, hand to hand, etc., so as to give the greatest possible effect to the imparting of the spirit of life."(Parley P. Pratt, Key to the Science of Theology, 2000, Archive Publishers Heber City, UT, p 110-111)

I firmly believe that science and religion can work together in teaching truth, for that describes the last few years of my experience. The science I have come across has strengthened my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s not so surprising since all truth comes from God and He makes no distinction between scientific truth and religious truth. It is all His truth! It appears that scientists are telling us the very things that prophets have told us all along! The spirit world really is right here. It vibrates at a faster rate than our earthly plane and so most people don't tune in to that frequency. That is why it is said to be invisible to us. But it is here and it IS possible to see it among us with our spiritual eyes. I know that to be true!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Amega Wand Experience with Gout

It warmed my heart to see a friend who was suffering from gout experience relief with the Amega Zero Point Energy wand 2 days ago. He had been limping, but was soon walking more normally after just minutes of wanding. He said he was feeling much better. Being sensitive to subtle energy, he also noticed energy shifts going on in his chest. This occurred although we were wanding clear down by his feet. We trusted that the energy was indeed intelligent and knew what was best and where the energy was needed most. He is the first person to tell me that the sensations he felt were becoming uncomfortable, even somewhat painful. Continuing to trust, we wanded over his chest and within minutes, the sensations experienced marked improvement. We were both relieved. What a blessing! We give God the glory for this amazing nano technology.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Does the Amega wand really work?

Does the Amega wand really work?

I've been asked over and over if the wand really works. The answer is yes! A friend came over the other day with knee pain and left without any knee pain at all. He asked if he could wand his foot again and was happy that new skin was growing over an open sore there. His wife wanded her wrist and felt that it was moving more loosely after a minute or 2. She asked if I had any experience with people using the wand for carpal tunnel.

I said yes, our cook at the health food store had major issues with that very thing. (She is the one whose swollen, bruised thumb I wanded and watched as her bruised skin color went back to pink as reported in a previous post.) I related to my friends that our cook's hand had not hurt her at all for 2 days after I wanded her thumb. I happened to see our cook again and she was amazed for a 2nd time that the pain left her hand as I moved the wand clockwise over her hand. The cook laughed and said it was a magic wand, but I corrected her, stating that there was science behind it. She said, "I feel this tingling going on in my hand again. That's what I felt last time, too." I told her that was a good thing and explained that the Amega wand literature says it is actually altering the molecular structure, thereby changing matter to resonate at a zero-point energy. That is a healing energy folks! I got on fire with enthusiasm just reading about this Zero Point energy wand. I wanted to buy one even before I saw a demonstration of it. Of course, I've been reading books about cutting edge science and technology to give me a beginning understanding of what could be going on.

Back to my story. My friend with carpal tunnel pain asked if she could get wanded again on her wrist a few days after I saw her. She wanted to try it again since she had noticed a difference after the first time she used my energy wand. I met her in a parking lot and wanded her wrist again. I'm looking forward to hearing what that did for her long term. It felt better on the spot.

Another friend didn't have any pain so we wanded her head just for fun for a minute. Within a few minutes she said she was experiencing a metallic taste in her mouth. She admitted she had been concerned about some old fillings in her teeth and wanted to have a trained dentist in that procedure remove them. I commented that "the energy is channeled to those points where it is needed most" (direct quote from the literature) and that must have been the health priority she needed worked on all right.

I used the wand on an energy worker I just got acquainted with. She wasn't having any physical pain at the moment, so I just wanded circles over her head. Right away she declared that she was releasing a whole lot of negative energy. She said she had worked on a client the night before doing emotional release work and felt like she had taken on some of their energetic "stuff." Her hip had hurt her in the night, she hadn't slept well which was unusual, and she just felt a little off. She was SO PLEASED to be able to release so much so quickly! God is so good to us to bless us with this nano-technology! I am so grateful to be alive to see this day. It continues to amaze me that scientists, doctors and physicists came up with this technology in MY lifetime.

I came across an interesting chapter in the book Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D. on the healing power of crystals. I smiled when I read that Amethyst has the capability of altering the molecular structure of things. Hmm. I wonder if that's part of the minerals included in Amega's proprietary technology!? It wouldn't surprise me!

The way I look at it, this little device is worth its weight in gold. It will likely pay for itself quickly in saved trips to the pharmacy.... And it is wonderfully more healthy to wand a few circles over your body than to ingest chemicals in pill form for pain. I think it's a great value!


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About Me/ Contact Info

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I'm very happily married with 5 great kids and 7 grandchildren. I am fascinated by the science behind subtle energy therapies because they made such a HUGE difference for my family. I am passionate about researching how the field of energy medicine fits with the gospel of Christ. I find great joy in being an Energy facilitator myself, helping people make peace with their past, releasing unresolved emotions and bringing light to dark places. I work in the healing arts and know that Jesus Christ is the source of all healing.